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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Positive Thinking = Personal Success

Positive Thinking = Personal Success
Self-Affirmations –
Positive & negative actually program our subconscious mind into producing the outcome based on the conditions as we have programmed it.  Creating the Reality in our lives for each one of us! 

Not to worry –
We can reprogram our subconscious mind.  Whenever you want to start is completely up to you but our subconscious conscious reprogramming of ourselves starts within each of us with daily, small, & simple "positive affirmations"....

Create your Reality –
Life is not going, as you desire.  Alternatively, are you just tired of how things are moving along?  Start now each day to start making a conscious effort to reprogram all the years of negativity you have been getting, sending, and receiving.  Negative affirmations actually have harmful debilitating effects on us!  Are the I cants, judgements, fears, and procrastination to always to be our reality?  Maybe it is time to develop a new way of programming for our internal CPU (subconscious mind) as it has overheated and there seems to be some damage-requiring repair.

Out with the Old in with the New!  –
You've been experiencing this bad programming  for years now the virus has taken hold and is destroying your files one by one…..results developed from lack of knowledge that maintenance was required.  OK so maybe you are one of the lucky who has had everything they have ever wanted or needed.  Maybe you have never been broke, down on your luck, living in your car or on the streets/under a bridge.  Not all of us have been so fortunate.  However; if you are without doubt, absolutely, 100% satisfied with your current position in life; then that is where you are going to stay in your life.  However, if you are like the rest of us 98.5% of the population; do yourself a favor and start reprogramming your subconscious mind for success!  

Process of Reprogramming –
The sooner you start to reprogram yourself with positive life conditions the sooner you will develop and obtain those conditions for the lifestyle you so desire.  The old saying goes “surround yourself with positivity and success then you too shall become positive and successful”.  The reprogramming of our subconscious mind must be done in an enthusiastic, conscious manner as if it is truly felt within us, see it, & speak it in the PRESENT tense with full conviction!  Every day, many times throughout the day!

Practice makes perfect –
Every single day, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day you should be living your desired life, your own personal self-fulfilling reality, stop just thinking or dreaming about it.  MAKE IT HAPPEN for yourself!
  1.        Write down your POSITIVE affirmations; Talk about them repeat them
  2.        Compliment yourself, make note of your achievements and success'.  Celebrate your accomplishments. 
  3.        Write down your POSITIVE affirmations on post its then stick them all over in places you frequent so you will be reminded; write them on mirrors throughout your home, silently and aloud speak them many times throughout the day always & constantly reminding yourself of where you are TODAY!! 

MAKE it so in firm belief –
No clever argument, no persuasive fact or theory could make a dent in our rightness in our ability to program ourselves into developing the life we so desire to have.  Our position in life is our choice we make our choices every day.  Start choosing a positive self-fulfilling path through life's journey.  Do not allow any negative thoughts, actions, or words to become what you are.  Other's opinions of us are none of our business we know who and what we are.  If others do not understand that is okay too because we also know where we are going in this journey.

             Straight to the TOP!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Love To Learn

  • How much do you know? 
  • Is there anything that you are curious about, something you would love to learn about? 
Whether you realize it or not, you are learning new things all the time. Every day you learn about the weather and about the people you encounter. You learn things at your school or your work. You learn that you feel better when you exercise and eat well and that you feel worse when you eat only junk food. It is pretty amazing how much we learn without even trying to learn.
  • Do you remember when you were a child and everything was new and exciting for you? 
The smallest bit of dirt or seeing a new flower color could keep you busy for an hour. If you are old enough that you have forgotten your childhood, look at the children around you. See the wonder and curiosity that they live and learn with each day. 
  • Do you miss having that kind of approach to life? 
No matter your age, it is very possible to return to the place where you love to learn and experience new things.  Take a close look at your life right now.
  • Are you satisfied with the things you know? 
  • Are you constantly expanding your understanding and your knowledge? 
If not, now is the time to begin. Perhaps begin by making a list of some things you would like to learn about or activities you would like to learn how to do. Have you always wanted to learn a second language? Go to a local library and check out some books or audio tapes on starting to learn the language. Or perhaps you have always wanted to pick up a new hobby like golf or tennis. Sign up for a lesson and see what you can learn.

You will be amazed at the richness that is added to your life when you commit to learn new things. No matter how busy your schedule at home or at work is, there are ways to learn as you live. Do you spend a lot of time in the car? If so, get some educational books or materials on tapes or cds and start to learn something new when you are in the car. You can begin to love learning as you find easy ways to include it in your days.

When you learn to love learning your life will never be the same. Life will never be boring or dull regardless of your circumstance. Days will pass with the wonder and excitement that comes from learning something new and valuable. So think about everything that you still want to learn. Choose one thing from the top of your "to learn" list and begin learning today. You will find that your list grows so that you will always be learning and never knowing enough.

Monday, January 16, 2012

10 Useful Websites for Hiring Your Next Employee

You’d like to hire an employee to help take your business to the next level, but you’re overwhelmed by the sheer number of employment websites out there. Which ones are reliable? Which are most popular? Which have a solid track record?
Here are 10 websites (in no particular order) that can help you tap into a practically endless pool of job applicants.
  1. LinkedIn: As you probably already know, LinkedIn is a networking site where professionals post resumes, interact, and exchange ideas. The site has more than 135 million professional members, many of whom may be looking for a new position. It’s a worthwhile recruiting tool, particularly for finding “passive” job candidates. The cost to post a job opening on LinkedIn depends on the geographic location of the position. For example, in the Greater Pittsburgh area, a 30-day job posting costs $195.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Keeping a Performance Diary: Pros and Cons

Quoted from:  GNEIL LIBRARY

How can managers best gather information for performance reviews? Some HR trainers recommend that they keep a diary. Should you, an HR manager, pitch the practice to those in your company? Here are some points to weigh.
A Diary Is Good, Because…
A diary helps supervisors rate performance over the entire work period. Without it, bosses usually base their judgment on employees’ recent performance because it’s uppermost in their minds. For their part, workers may try to cash in on the halo effect by performing at their peak during the last few weeks before their review to sway the boss’s judgment in their favor.

A diary also helps managers accumulate important information in one location. Without it, they may find themselves sifting through a hodgepodge of notes, memos, and production reports in a last-minute scramble to round up the facts they need to justify a rating.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Cure for Perfectionism

By Eva Rykr | Posted on August 2nd, 2011

What’s so wrong with being a perfectionist? Sounds like a pretty good problem to have, no? Well one problem is that perfectionists are rarely satisfied with merely a job well done. Second, they are often driven by a false belief that being perfect is a way (perhaps the only way) to achieve acceptance from others.A perfectionist is someone who goes all-out for seemingly impossible goals, extreme productivity, or overachieving accomplishment. We all know someone like this and we may even have perfectionist tendencies ourselves. Perfectionism isn’t all bad. It allows us to have a high attention to detail, to strive for excellence, and to not settle for mediocrity. But perfectionism does have a dark side.

Besides perfectionism just being bad for your mental well-being, it can be a major barrier to success. When we are so focused on creating the perfect outcome, we fear failure. We avoid failure to such an extent that we may not take risks and become content living inside our comfort zone. A major downside—and the part that non-perfectionists hate about perfectionists—is being too hard on yourself and others.

     You might be a perfectionist if you:       Search Amazon.com for perfectionist                                          
  • Worry about outcomes and performance 
  • Beat yourself up over every error 
  • Overplan in an attempt to prepare for the unexpected 
  • Might be called a control freak 
  • Feel anxiety about failure 
  • Attempt to hide your vices and flaws 
  • Think of mistakes as defects rather than learning opportunities 
  • Procrastinate starting projects until the ‘right’ way to do it becomes evident
  • Have a tendency to overthink the details 
  • Expect excellence from others 
I have found that one way to combat perfectionistic tendencies is with another P word… progress. Well, progress and acceptance. First you must accept where you are at this current moment. This requires an honest self-assessment. Unfortunately, this can be the most difficult part as perfectionists can go to extreme lengths to hide their own flaws from themselves.  
But if you can figure out a way to accept where you are now and then progress from there, I believe this is one way to overcome perfectionism. Seeking perfection is impossible, unsatisfying, and frustrating. On the other hand, achieving any level of progress is very doable, satisfying, and rewarding. Seeking progress instead of perfection will require setting smaller goals. Set an embarrassingly low goal, achieve it, and move on from there.